Hazel is a powerful file organization tool for macOS that automatically organizes your files based on rules you define. Hazel watches specified folders, allowing you to organize and move files based on names, dates, types, and other attributes, helping to keep your digital space organized and clutter-free.
More than just filing, Hazel can open, archive, tag, and even upload files, giving you the freedom to create workflows that suit your needs. Its powerful pattern matching and automation capabilities make it easy to organize files exactly as you want.
Hazel can also help with cleanup by monitoring and clearing out old files, managing the trash, and removing leftover support files from deleted applications. With Hazel’s App Sweep, it detects when applications are removed and offers to delete associated files.
Hazel offers extensive support for macOS features, integrating with Spotlight, Photos, Music & TV, AppleScript, and Automator, allowing you to leverage all that macOS has to offer. Hazel is the ideal choice for those looking to automate and streamline file management on their Mac.